How an e-Patient prepares a doctor’s appointment
How an e-Patient prepares a doctor’s appointment

How an e-Patient prepares a doctor’s appointment

Technology has now made it available for patients to have consultations through an online platform. The e-patients now have a different process than regular patients, given that they need to prepare for their appointments in order to have all the information available for their doctors to see. Whether you are having a new consultation about a current subject or even a followup from a previous consultation, you need to be prepared beforehand.

E-consultations are indeed quite different from a face-to-face examination. During an online consultation, often the doctor needs more information given that they are not there to check you physically, so it helps a lot when you have all this information at hand before you begin your appointment. Just like you would be prepared for a regular appointment, just consider that in this case the doctor can’t see you physically so think about what they are going to want to see or what they are going to want to know before you access the appointment.

Here are some basic tips on how e-patients can prepare for a doctor’s appointment.


If you are a new patient or flowing up on previous consultations you always need to have information at hand. If you are a new patient, you need to be ready to answer all the doctor’s questions like if you had a fever and how often, how high was it, what symptoms have you experienced, or how have you been feeling. If it is a follow-up consultation, the best thing you can do is have all the information from your previous appointment with you. This includes your previous prescription, any questions that you might have, or changes that have occurred since the first appointment. While you might have access to the same doctor, you have to remember that you aren’t their only patient. Make the entire thing easier for them by having the information at hand, and help them out by mentioning it to them.

Prepare Your Questions

Definitely write down all the questions that you have beforehand, you don’t want to miss out on something important just because you didn’t write it down. Make sure you do your research and write down all questions that the doctor could possibly resolve for you. Make sure you express your concern about anything that might bother you and don’t let the appointment end without you having resolved all of your doubts. There is no such thing as a silly question, make sure you ask freely everything that you need and have the doctor answer all of your questions in order for you to feel at ease. 

Reflect On Needs and Priorities

Make sure you express your concerns and pains right away. Don’t miss out on any unconformity, as the doctor isn’t there to physically see you so they won’t know if they are missing out on something on the appointment. You need to help them out by telling them what hurts, how does it, hurt, and where to get a US trademark registration